Tag: Anger Management


What To Do When Anger Is Trying To Take Over You

Think of winning the war not just the battle. You stare at your opponent not listening to a word he is saying. You try to stay firm on your principles, but they are losing their holding on the ground. Your knees start shaking. You ask yourself an internal question. “Am I going to explode?” “Why …


Why You Shouldn’t Give Power To Your Anger


Anger is always destructive We give power to our anger more often than we should. Feeling betrayed, feeling hurt, irritation, annoyance, unable to forgive, jealousy, and sarcasm are forms of anger. These feelings might look like something else but they are all forms of anger. We don’t think we are angry that much but we …


Self-Awareness is the Secret Sauce to Controlling Your Anger!

Inspirational way of Controlling Anger

Self-Awareness is the secret to become a person who does not easily get angry. Not your surroundings. Not the behavior of your friends. Not your past. Not your present situation. Self-awareness. The main reason you get angry and keep on being provoked into becoming an angry person is that you are too passive because you …


The Greatest ENEMY of my Anger is ———–!

Inspirational Anger Management

It starts with my ego, an insidious emotion that makes me question why this person is talking to me this way. It starts with a little feeling that I should get even with this person who is making me feel like crap. It starts with losing some part of myself because I am reacting to …


Slam The Brakes Every Time Anger Tries To Outburst From YOU

iNSPIRATIONAL aNGER Management - Slam The Brakes Every Time Anger Tries To Outburst From YOU

Anytime you are aggressive or violent, You are paying the perils of ignoring the consequences of anger, Through your mind and body. Anytime you feed fuel to your anger, You are spoon feeding destructive jabs to your soul on a constant basis. Anytime you do not control or manage your anger, You are swimming in …