Month: June 2021


6 Ways To Give Self-Compassion a Special, VIP Pass Right Into Your Soul

The least you can do for yourself is everything. If one is cruel to himself, how can we expect him to be compassionate with others? — Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, 10th C. Jewish Scholar Did you know newborn monkeys crawled to a mother who touched and cradled them instead of running to enticing milk? The well-known …


These 9 Cognitive Distortions Might Be Ruining Your relationship

And ways to counteract these distortions. One of my boyfriend’s friend has an internal labyrinth, a maze, and a torturous arrangement he made with himself. He is convinced every woman will sooner or later leave him. He is terrified he will end up stranded, abandoned, and alone.  This belief taints his relationships.  He is aloof, …

Black women

Women Are Still Judged Harshly for Being Emotional

We don’t have to self-censor, edit, and apologize for expressing our emotions. Perhaps we judge women for being emotional because we suppress our emotions. Perhaps we inhibit women from expressing their emotions because we were not allowed to do so ourselves. Perhaps we fear the emotional intensity of seeing someone express their emotions – especially …


Treating Men As ATMs Is Hardly Ever Criticized

Let us stop objectifying men based on their finances. She told me something horrid. One of my colleagues had been seeing this guy for over a year. When I asked about their relationship, her answer wiped every trace of smile from my face. Me: “How is your relationship?” Her: “I broke up with him.” Me: …