Month: October 2021


11 Signs That You Are Suffocating Your Beautifully Crafted Relationship To Death

We kill our relationship in the very hands that carved it. You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you that you can’t wait to see your love, that you can’t sleep or eat or do anything because you are counting the minutes till you see him again? Is it time …


Stop Indifference From Ruining Your Relationship

Do something, anything to demolish indifference before someone you love becomes a roommate, an acquaintance, a stranger. “When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?” — Thich Nhat Hanh Indifference is not caring what the other person thinks, feels, and does …


Here’s How I Healed the Wound of Someone I Loved for 4 Years Cheating On Me

If someone you love cheated on you, this one is for you. The sun had barely crested the horizon when I saw the man I loved for 4 years kissing another woman on the hospital bed. I wanted to unsee what my eyes saw. I averted my eyes and looked out the window at the …


You Are Responsible For Everything You Do In Your Life, No Matter The External Circumstances

By taking responsibility, you fight less. You get angry less. You feel offended less. And you suffer less. In 1864, a young man was thinking of killing himself. He was depressed and so far his life had been full of failures. He then made a deal with himself. He is going to take responsibility for …

Emotional Intelligence, Emotions

How to Grow From Difficult Emotions

Pay attention to all the colors that form your emotional palette. We assume difficult emotions, mean demons within, shatter us when they suffocate us. We deny these battles we wage daily their right to feel and end up suffering. We forget difficult emotions, when unprocessed, stagnate and fester. They acidify and become corrosive. Difficult emotions, …


How To Heal When Painful Emotions Break You

Lesson from the unforgettable painful emotions recovery advice my grandfather gave me. Have you ever wished to expel the demons your painful emotions create in your body? Have you ever wished to shine a light on your painful emotions? Have you ever wished to enter into the room where you’ve locked your painful emotions and …

Emotions, Self

Don’t Run From Vulnerability – Embrace It

Stop trying to seal your heart. Remaining in emotional solitary confinement costs us. There is a cost to making your heart neatly sealed, safe from the joys and sorrows of life. I never heard my dad talk about his feelings. He never told me he loved me in words. He sucked it all in, where …


How Do You Love?

When you love someone, you choose to see yourself and your partner as separate entities. In healthy love, you are individuals having your own dreams, likes, wants, and needs. You each have your whole lives without the other. You choose to honor what your partner wants even if you don’t want that thing. When you …

Black women

This Is What Every Woman Must Learn in Life

Eight important qualities. Her husband made all decisions in their company, not her. She needed him for every tiny detail. She spoke only inside her head, nodding to herself. She had no female friends. She showed little emotion beyond biting, cold indifference – unless pushed. Then, sometimes…came violent rage. She treated all her employees, both …


4 Signs You Fail to Represent Yourself in Your Relationship

2. You abandon parts of you (from your hobbies to your friends to your job). I don’t buy into the notion that commitment has to mean detention, confinement, obligation, or burden. I’m committed to who my partner is and to who he can be rather than committed to the things that bind us, or the …