Month: November 2019


To Achieve Mastery, You Have to Practice Deliberately

How you practice is more important than how often you practice. Starting at the age of 12, I sang in the shower. I would imagine myself to be a top singer mimicking the voices of my favorite female singers. My voice did never came close to them. Actually, that is not true. Family would cringe …


Just Breathe

“Healing is every breath.” — Thich Nhat Hanh Someone says something awful to you and you just stand there, powerless and hurt. Your body is trembling. You are thinking of the just-right poison cocktail of words you are dying to deliver. The perfect knock-out verbal punch. In the meantime, your breathing has become shallow. Your …


This Is Why You Need To Forgive Those Who Hurt You

Anything you gain by refusing to forgive is certainly far less desirable. I met someone who betrayed me in a crowded restaurant a few weeks ago. He had been my mentor many years ago. When he asked me to loan him money for his training center, I did not hesitate. I loaned him lots of …


Should You Live for Your Resume or Your Eulogy?

Who you are as a person is more important than what you do or what is on your resume. “He saved my son’s life,” the guy was telling the crowd at the funeral ceremony. His eyes were glassy and wet. People from all over the world were present to say goodbye to a man they …


What To Do When Anger Is Trying To Take Over You

Think of winning the war not just the battle. You stare at your opponent not listening to a word he is saying. You try to stay firm on your principles, but they are losing their holding on the ground. Your knees start shaking. You ask yourself an internal question. “Am I going to explode?” “Why …


8 Ways You Can Take Care of Yourself Emotionally

Here’s what putting yourself before others look like. To be and give your best, you have to start putting yourself first. Yes, that’s right. Over your partner, kids, boss, friends, family. No one benefits from you being in second place. Continue Reading …. To your inspirations, Banchi


Listen to the Voice in Your Heart Instead of the Judge in Your Head

The judge in your head stands in your way of achieving your dreams. I said yes to an offer that paid twice what I was earning before. I needed the money. But the job felt wrong. I lost my way when I listened to the judge in my head. I was supposed to be an expert on things …


How To Be Confident(Even If You’re a Shy Person)

4 tips that can help you. Imagine you have lived your whole life in a warm environment. And now you are forced to live in an opposite environment. The big problem you will encounter when you try to live in the new environment is how to live. And how to get used to this cold, cold …


9 Exercises to Develop Your People Skills

Become a master of people skills. You stare at your colleague who is talking to the whole group, not listening to a word he’s saying. You try to be like him — someone who is interesting and always seems to have people around him. “Why can’t I interact with others like him?” You start fiddling with your phone …


The Most Important Lesson We Can Learn From Dale Carnegie

It has to do with why he has created his best-seller book. Thirty-five years ago, I was one of the unhappiest lads in New York. I was selling motor-trucks for a living. I did not know what made a motor-truck run. That wasn’t all. I did not want to know. I despised my job. I …