Month: November 2019


14 Tips To Make Your Life Better and Simpler

Simplify your life. 1. Ask instead of assuming. A friend of mine told me last week that she almost made a terrible mistake in her relationship because she assumed that her boyfriend was cheating on her. It turned out that he was not. We make our life so complicated and difficult with our own hands. …


The Practice Rule: Practice Alone Is Not Enough


How you practice is more important than how often you practice. “If you want to achieve mastery, you must learn to practice deliberately.” — Ken Sterling There was once a woman who went to another city for an urgent work leaving her two teenage boys with an assignment: To take care of her garden. She had been taking …


Presence Is Far More Intricate and Rewarding Than Productivity

“Why the hell have you not finished the report I asked you? I have seen you arrive in the office at 7.00 am. What were you doing the whole morning?” Your boss is yelling at you. It is noon and you have not even started with your report. Why? Because you were not mentally present. …

Emotional Intelligence

Why You Need Emotional Intelligence To Be Successful

Think the street hustler who can’t even spell his own name. But somehow talks you into giving him the shirt off your back. “Lisa drove 15 hours straight, in a diaper, from Houston to Orlando, to confront her boyfriend’s new squeeze in an airport parking lot. Lisa packed zip ties, pepper spray, and large garbage …


People Are Successful When They Are Disciplined

If you ever wonder how to be successful. How it is that people bridge who they are now to who they want to be, the answer is discipline. I repeat the basics of many things in my life. Healthy living. Effective communication. Writing. Teaching what I know to my colleagues. Learning from others,. Preparing great …