Ïnspiring Stories


Inspirational lessons

Written by banchi “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Abraham Lincoln I have been learning a lot for the past couple of years. Over the years, I have pulled countless communication strategies. I have wiggled my way around different situations. I have learned to say “no” to things I do not want. I have …


Do NOT carry things that weigh you down!

Imagine you are in the middle of the dessert. Imagine that when you walk through the dessert, you are carrying poison in your hand. The big problem you will bump into will be how to survive in that environment. Solution? Carry water instead of poison. —- Interpretation of the analogy: Don’t carry things that weigh …

Ïnspiring Stories

We TALK! (Inspirational Story)

Inspirational Story

Written by Banchi Imagine you’re an everyday person who is doing your job. You have a family you support with your income. Your job is not your profession of choice but it brings in the food on the table. You and your significant other are raising your children. Life is ok and you’re thankful that …

Emotional Intelligence

8 Inspirational WAYS to EMBRACE Emotional Intelligence

Inspirational Emotional Intelligence

Hi friends, Here are a few inspirational ways that I hope will jolt you awake and motivate you to make changes – to do what it takes – to live your best life. (Share them so that you can uplift all around you too). 1.No one else can give you self-awareness, you need to think …


Inspirational 10 Things to do to have a BETTER LIFE!

Hello there, I have great habits that I recommend for you today. The Habit Poem (I am your constant companion). I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half of the things you do you might as well …

Ïnspiring Stories

My Blessings for you and those you love

Inspirational stories

Hi, dear reader I’ve written this special message for you as encouragement to make your life the finest. I am grateful for the wonderful readers I have (all of you!). I hope you sense my passion to help you find inspirations and trust that I’ll do all I can to fuel your inspirations. And so, …


Inspirational HABITS to develop for the NEW YEAR!

“From now on, then, resolve to live as a grown-up who is making progress, and make whatever you think is best a law that you never set aside. And whenever you encounter anything that is difficult or pleasurable, or highly or lowly regarded, remember that the contest is now: you are at the Olympic Games, …


The power of Your Subconscious mind!

Inspirational Subconscious mind

Deep down, you know you are not getting what you want. You are headed in one direction. Your subconscious is taking you somewhere else. You should have confronted this hidden part of you a long time ago. But you delayed. You thought it could not be that important. You are wrong. Rather than confronting this …