
Without Grit - Nothing Is Going To Work Out


Grit takes you to success like the sea moves toward the shore. We can call it “determination”, but more specifically: the determination to see something through. My friend started working in a big hotel as a receptionist. She has a degree in Marketing but she couldn’t get a job in her field of study. So, she …


Your Story Hasn’t Been Fully Written Yet(Lessons on Progress)


And why you should keep on writing — or keep on doing “your thing” In the words of Henry Cloud, “We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing.” What holds many of us back from progressing is – we settle We find ourselves in a certain situation and convince …


12 Things That Are Not Worth Your Life(Life Skills)

Here are 12 Life Skills(That I learned which are not worth my life): Over thinking. Thinking “Should I do this?” over and over again creates a repetitive cycle. Where you over think but don’t do a single thing about what you are thinking. You think you are doing something while you are over thinking. But, …


Sometimes Asking The Right Question Is The Answer

Life Hack

“To ask the right question is already half the solution to a problem.” –C.G. Jung We ask a question that doubts. We ask a question that does not affirm. That does not show the path forward. “Can I achieve my hopes and dreams? Are they easy to achieve?” is a wrong question. Self-doubt and low self-esteem …


We Don’t Live Forever – Lessons on Life


A good life is living in the present moment. “Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.” — Deepak Chopra What would you do if someone you know or a family member heard life-ending news from their doctor? How would you feel if you know you are …


We Always Choose Our Reaction(Lessons on Self-Control)

Let me make this abundantly clear: We choose our reactions, in every moment of our lives. Some of those reactions are helping us to become a better version of ourselves. And some of them turn us into the worst version of ourselves. I’m also guilty of what I’m about to say. We blame the outside …


Inspiration Will Only Take You So Far


It’s up to you to do the actual work. Two days ago, I was attending a seminar. On ‘Building Good Habits.’ The speaker was teaching us how to create daily habits. That are beneficial to us and how to maintain those habits. A woman was sitting next to me. When someone from the audience asked …