“How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.” Marcus Aurelius
You stare at your opponent not listening to a word he or she is saying.
You try to stay firm on your principles, but they are losing their holding on the ground.
Your knees start shaking.
You ask yourself, an internal question:
“Am I going to explode?”
“Why can’t I be free of this anger that is boiling inside me?”
You start fiddling with yourself.
YOU are full on ANGER.
#1. Separate yourself from yourself
When you start to become angry, STOP RIGHT THERE.
Think for a moment —.
Look into yourself as another person (like you are looking into a MIRROR).
Ask this question.
#2. Be like a child
Shout out to that little boy or girl you knew.
And that is YOU by the way.
I hope life has served you well.
Have you ever seen a child who is simmering with anger the whole day?
There are no children like that in the whole world. After 2 or 3 minutes, they are back to their true self – enjoying life fully.
#3. OUTSOURCE your anger to the atmosphere, the wind and the air
No matter who you are angry with:
- The atmosphere is a much convenient place for your anger than your mind & body.
How do you do that?
- By subconsciously training your brain to clean out the unnecessary thoughts & emotions.
#4. Shake a leg
You have to shake a leg, if you want to effectively control anger. Lack of blood flow is a common reason for lack of concentration and increment in tension.
Movement helps you release the tension caused by ANGER.
If you are standing still and not moving at all, your anger will turn out for the worst.
#5. Count your breathing
Because the brain cannot pay equal attention to two things at the SAME TIME, you can trick it.
- Breath in, Breath out,
- Count 1, 2, 3, —
- While you are busy counting your breathing, YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY BE ANGRY AT THE SAME TIME.
#6. Don’t outsource your health
Your health is highly compromised as a result of your anger.
Once health is gone, it is quite impossible to get it back to its original position.
The person who is making you ANGRY is not paying the price as you are!
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one getting burned.” Buddha
#7. Sing a Song
My favorite song is ‘We sink by of Monsters and Men’.
It is the ringtone on my phone.
Whenever I think that I am going be angry and lose control of myself:
- I sing the lyrics of the song (internally of course),
- I know the lyrics by heart,
- While I am rambling on the words, the ANGER is passing me by.
To Your Inspiration, Banchi

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