Work and Careers

The Forks in Your Road Can Take On Magical Significance in Your Life

Turning points have the power to transform our lives.

We all have pivotal moments that flip our world upside down and cause us to panic. Maybe your boyfriend left you for another woman. Now what? Or, you just lost your job — what’s next? You wonder, “Where do I go from here?”

One of my friends had those moments when a fork stood in her tracks.

A few months after the pandemic hit, she was laid off unexpectedly. Her bosses did not even care about her job loss.

My friend had been working in marketing management for 10 years. When her bosses blindsided her, she was scared out of her mind. Hot rage crawled up from her chest to her face. She wanted to lash at her bosses. She wanted to become cruel like them. If she used her words right, she could deliver the perfect knockout punch, the cruelest lethal slingshots.


As the anger flushed her cheeks, a thought appeared in her head: what type of person do I want to be? A mean person or a nice person? If I am mean, I can hurt them back. If I am friendly and funny, perhaps I can win them, even make them take me back. She answered the question in her thoughts. To be mean is exhausting. I’d rather be kind. I’ll be so nice and fun they’ll regret firing me.

It was like a demon and an angel danced on her shoulders.

She chose the angel; she accepted her dismissal with grace.

No one called my friend to take her job back.


The fork in her road took on magical significance in her life.

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To your inspiration,


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Founder and writer at Banchi Inspirations. Teacher, blogger, freelance writer. I own This Precious Dark Skin, a newsletter on Substack that publishes essays, short stories, and a little bit about Ethiopia. You can reach me at

Author: Banchiwosen

Founder and writer at Banchi Inspirations. Teacher, blogger, freelance writer. I own This Precious Dark Skin, a newsletter on Substack that publishes essays, short stories, and a little bit about Ethiopia. You can reach me at