Ïnspiring Stories

Take Time-out for Yourself Every Day! ( A Personal Story)

Inspirational quote
banchi inspirations 1024x1024 - Take Time-out for Yourself Every Day! ( A Personal Story)

The other day I was extremely overwhelmed.

Before the day started, I had packed my schedule for the entire day.

But, in the middle of the day, I got overcome with work and I wanted to get out of there.

My exhaustion made me feel like I was not giving my best.

Have you ever felt like you are doing too much and yet still feel like you need to do more?

Because of my full and non-stop schedule:

· I felt that I have not connected well with my trainees,

· I felt that I have missed something in my conversations,

· I felt that I have been less than myself in my interactions,

·I worried that the afternoon was going to be even much worse.

If you have ever felt like you are overwhelmed in any area of your life, it is time to stop and take a deeply needed rest.

Not for anyone’s sake. But for yourself.

Developing the habit of taking few minutes for yourself every day TO REST is the best thing you can do for yourself.

So that you can recharge. So that you can breathe. So that you can refuel.

You do not need that much time to completely recharge.

Can you consciously and deliberately take 15 minutes from your day?

Then, do what I do in those precious minutes.

Here is an inspirational way you can sharpen your mind every day by taking 15 minutes from it!


To Your Inspirations,


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Founder and writer at Banchi Inspirations. Teacher, blogger, freelance writer. I own This Precious Dark Skin, a newsletter on Substack that publishes essays, short stories, and a little bit about Ethiopia. You can reach me at bandaxen@gmail.com

Author: Banchiwosen

Founder and writer at Banchi Inspirations. Teacher, blogger, freelance writer. I own This Precious Dark Skin, a newsletter on Substack that publishes essays, short stories, and a little bit about Ethiopia. You can reach me at bandaxen@gmail.com