Tag: Communication Skills


Which of these types of Communication do YOU have?

Inspirational Communication

There are a lot of different types of communication. There’s communication that does not give the other person a single moment from the day. There’s communication that seems like your heart and your ears are involved in it, but actually they are not. Only your physical body is there, but you are not listening. There’s …


Tell a Story!(The Best Strategy for Communication)

Tell me something ——– Imagine for a minute that I am telling you about how you can improve yourself. I am telling you, you can do this and that —— . I am telling you what I know in this boring, lecture format. Would you be interested to listen to me? Would you remember my …


The Ultimate Recipes for Effective Communication!

Inspirational Communication

If the person I am talking to in a conversation decides that he is the only one who needs to talk, if he leaves me no space for my part in the conversation, I know exactly what I would wish to do. I’d want that person to say what is on his mind without interruption. …


Inspirational Communications

Written by Banchi We sit with someone and we talk ceaselessly. We don’t give a chance for that person to have his/her say. We have failed in our communications. ————– We don’t respect people’s emotions. We try to control the flow of emotions coming from others. We don’t let them be. We have failed in …




Written by Banchi Most of us hate any kind of disagreement or conflict in our communications. The feeling is hard to express exactly, because for anything that we have too strongly attachments – we fight. But, we don’t fight for having more disagreements. We do the exact opposite. We run away from them as far …


You won’t believe the benefits of having conversations at a coffee ceremony

1 1 - You won’t believe the benefits of having conversations at a coffee ceremony

You won’t believe the benefits of having conversations at a coffee ceremony July 3, 2018 by Banchi Let us not be silent, When we sit next to each other. I have something to say, You have something to say. Why would we let silence win? When we all have something to say.                                     To feel. …


Break the frivolous conversations

1 3 - Break the frivolous conversations

Break the frivolous conversations June 30, 2018 by Banchi We see it as an annoyance or inconvenience, Saying it is enough to give a nod or say hello. The unvarnished reality is earnest conversation is inspirational, And it is what makes life colorful. Yet we get irritated when we are required to make conversations. We …


Effective Communication

images - Effective Communication

How do we communicate with one another? June 1, 2018, by Banchiwosen Woldeyesus The noise is so loud, I shout at them, they shout at me. They speak around me, not to me.             I do the same. Meanwhile, in all this mess,             The message is lost,             Forever gone. Crying silently,             For …