
The Power of Vulnerability to Strengthen Human Connection

Meet others through your most laid bare self. Do you march through life stoically, your heart neatly sealed, safe from the joys and sorrows of life? When I walked into a training hall of 30 students, who sat far away from each other, I felt the energy of fear. I was also projecting my own. …

Emotions, Self

Soothe Your Crippling Emotions In Dark Times

“You can’t heal what you can’t feel. ” – Dr. Edith Eva Eger Feelings are fierce and wild. They don’t take well to anyone trying to domesticate them. They are impetuous. And their sole job is to make themselves heard. Are you marching through the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic stoically, your heart neatly sealed, …


Why You Must Find The Unique Value Behind The Work You Do

A compelling value creates the backbone of your passion. I saw a real passion in the backyard of a 55-year old woman’s house. Friends took me outside my city to start the day with the tastiest breakfast I’ve ever had. This woman raises chickens in her backyard. But she doesn’t just feed them and keep them …


How To Be Unforgettable With Writing

Writing helps our names to live beyond the grave. So, who knows? Maybe your name will live beyond the grave. Maybe your words will leave a mark on the world saying, “I was here.” When you read the works of Seth Godin, his words touch your heart and inspire you to change. You can’t help …


How To Talk To Someone Obsessed With The Color of Your Skin

2 simple communication techniques that show there’s more to you than the color of your skin. I wanted only one thing. For the audience of more than 200 people to stop obsessing about the color of my skin. For them to see my professionalism. For them to see beyond the fact that I am a …


Love Is Not What You Want, It Is What You Are

You must give love because you have it to give. Spending time with my grandfather was one of the most memorable moments of my life. He was a charismatic man where he built his home by sharing his love. Month after month, year after year, I had seen the way he loved his wife. I had …


How To Forgive A Soul-Crushing Betrayal

By asking one heart-wrenching question. Will you still hate the person who soul-crushed you if that person ceases to exist tomorrow? Will your heart still shimmer with bitterness and hatred? Will you still like to see him burn? How to forgive a soul-crushing betrayal? To your inspirations, Banchi