
How To Talk To Someone Obsessed With The Color of Your Skin

2 simple communication techniques that show there’s more to you than the color of your skin.

I wanted only one thing. For the audience of more than 200 people to stop obsessing about the color of my skin. For them to see my professionalism. For them to see beyond the fact that I am a black woman from Ethiopia.

Your heart breaks when you see their rustling whisper right in front of you. They think you are there by mistake.

The color of your skin obsesses them.

How could she be the keynote speaker? Is she the reason we have crossed an ocean to hear a speech?

My speaking spirit flew through the window when my equals judged me before I uttered a single word.

I wanted to discuss the theme of the conference (emotional intelligence). I wanted to exchange ideas with like-minded people on their thoughts and feelings on this hot issue.

What we were there for — to learn about emotional intelligence –thrashed beneath the ground when the audience saw my dark skin.

One minute everybody hurried for the speaker to walk in front of them and the next minute I heard the deafening silence when I stood in front of the audience.

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To your inspirations,


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Founder and writer at Banchi Inspirations. Teacher, blogger, freelance writer. I own This Precious Dark Skin, a newsletter on Substack that publishes essays, short stories, and a little bit about Ethiopia. You can reach me at

Author: Banchiwosen

Founder and writer at Banchi Inspirations. Teacher, blogger, freelance writer. I own This Precious Dark Skin, a newsletter on Substack that publishes essays, short stories, and a little bit about Ethiopia. You can reach me at