Letter from Subconscious mind to conscious mind
June 15, 2018 by Banchiwosen Woldeyesus
“They curse the effect but they nourish the cause.” James Allen
What did we discuss when we last talked? If you don’t want me to be angry at you, haven’t I told you to do as I ask? And didn’t you say that you will do as I requested or you will not have the power to stand in front of me? So, have you kept your word? Have you done your assignment?
I have asked you to express me through what I have and what is available in me. That is how you and I work. That will make both of us happy. So have you expressed what I wish for you to express?
Or perhaps, you do not like who you are and what you have become through the years:
If you do not like how things are,
If you do not like how you talk to your spouse,
If you do not like how you treat your employees,
If you do not like how unforgiving you are,
In general, if you do not like your personality,
You have to change me and that requires a lot of work. I am embedded in you since you were born. Attitude, emotions, feelings, personalities etc. have been stored in me since the beginning. Many things contribute to the amount and quality of things stored in me. Environment plays a key role. But more importantly the person plays the main role in allowing what to store in me and what not to.
So if you do not like yourself and how you are conveyed to the outside world, you have to change what is stored in me. And this requires time, patience and new things to store in me. And the last part is important because you can’t leave me unfilled. If I am left empty, I won’t function well. I need to process something all the time. If you deleted all the things that were stored in me that you don’t want any more but failed to replace them with things that you want, then I am in danger and you are as well.
An empty space is not where I live. So if you leave me like that thinking I will protect you and give you what you need, you are wrong. You need to feed me first. If not, I will go back to what I know. I will bring forth all the things you have deleted from me and express them through you.
So make sure you replace the old things in me. Once you start storing new things, you have to make it a habit as well. Remember I am expressed through you. What you are expressing today comes from years and years of accumulated me.
I believe in you. No matter how many people tell you, you are such kind of a person, no one can tell you the truth like I can. I am the truth of who you are.
Yours truly,
Your Subconscious mind

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