
Do NOT carry things that weigh you down!

Imagine you are in the middle of the dessert.

1 1 - Do NOT carry things that weigh you down!

Imagine that when you walk through the dessert, you are carrying poison in your hand.

The big problem you will bump into will be how to survive in that environment.


Carry water instead of poison.


Interpretation of the analogy:

Don’t carry things that weigh you down.

Are you feeling bitterness, anger, resentment, a drive for revenge?

These things are the same as trying to get through a dessert carrying poison instead of water.

Throw it out.

Let it go.

Put it down.

Forgive. Choose forgiveness over holding grudges and over pride.

Love yourself. This is the lens through which you will be able to forgive.

Ferociously go after being free. If you are harboring ill thoughts towards anyone, you are not free.

Key inspirational benefits of forgiveness!


To Your Inspirations,


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1x1.trans - Do NOT carry things that weigh you down!
Founder and writer at Banchi Inspirations. Teacher, blogger, freelance writer. I own This Precious Dark Skin, a newsletter on Substack that publishes essays, short stories, and a little bit about Ethiopia. You can reach me at bandaxen@gmail.com

Author: Banchiwosen

Founder and writer at Banchi Inspirations. Teacher, blogger, freelance writer. I own This Precious Dark Skin, a newsletter on Substack that publishes essays, short stories, and a little bit about Ethiopia. You can reach me at bandaxen@gmail.com