Written by Banchiwosen Woldeyesus
I am participating in a writing contest hosted by Positive Writer.
What is below is my article for the Writing Contest.
Assume the center of every success is POSITIVITY.
Whatever you try and pass through –write your experience. Let the world know.
Write. To feel, to learn, to inspire and to make memories lasting.
Pen on paper is a beautiful way of connecting with yourself. To be yourself.
Dwell on positive thoughts, particularly LOVE.
I had a friend who used to tell me that I will never, ever find the inspiration and the reason to write.
What is the point of trying, of scribbling here and there? Why, if you already know that you will not successfully write.
And no one reads your material.
That is what my friend used to convey to me all the time.
That is a delusion, of course. Something that is not necessarily true that I have chosen to believe.
The friend I talk about is my inner self, by the way. I used to have an inner battle with myself all the time
‘I should write’
‘No! who is going to read you?’
‘Why bother?’
‘Why not?’
One day I have had it. My love for writing, for reaching to people through my inspirations outweighed any other external influences including the voice inside me prohibiting me from writing.
I have said Goodbye to the enemy within.That voice inside me –if it does not encourage me to write, it doesn’t DESERVE to be called a friend. My ears are deaf to any voice that tells me I can’t write.
I have my own inspirational blog now.
The reason why it’s important to become aware of things you choose to believe is that you have the power to create your reality.
Nobody else’s.
That is called a self-fulfilling prophecy: the ability to make real the things you fear the most.
Who are you?
Do you have an inherent desire to lay out your thoughts & feelings – out there?
So, go for it. Why would you NOT be pursuing your desire due to unwanted and useless external voices?
Or perhaps it is YOU that is stopping YOU.
Do you want to live constantly exercising restraint?
Do you want to tell the inner you over and over again that you desire and want to write only to elicit silence, even discomfort?
The answer you seek is in you. It is not in what people say about your desires or do not say.
It is not in how on Earth to dispense yourself to the people around you at whatever cost.
The secret is in you, in who you are, in what you want, and in the joy of finally discovering your passion in writing and in not settling until you come across a person who wants exactly what you have to offer through your writings.
Isn’t it beautiful to be in a place where you don’t need to second guess things inherent to your nature?
Be curious. Explore. Read. Read. Read. Have a point of view.
Lay out these unique views of yours to the world by writing.
Get away from masses thinking. Have your own thought. Make it a principle.
If you stick with the principle, you will always have fresh ideas. Because they are coming from you.
One of the most interesting things about life is that you don’t really know what you really like.Until you try it. Until you give it a shot.
Say YES to writing your own unique thoughts and feelings. Even if you think you are not interested in, at worst you will learn something you wouldn’t have been exposed otherwise in the process of writing anything.
At best, you will be the REASON for the inspiration of others.
Imagine a world where you can ease the pain people feel in everyday life little by little. The world is a hard place filled with negativity and so much pain.
Imagine people turning to you with a fervor and hope of finding positive inspirations.
Imagine how fortunate you will be when thoughts of people are impacted for the better through your writings?
Just write something inspiring. Anything. Lay it out to the world.
It’s for this reason that you should pick up your pen. Someone out there is having a moment of despair in some part of the world.
And you might be the reason he/she sees the light.
That is a compelling reason to WRITE and SPREAD IT TO THE WORLD.
You can be that person my friend.
To your Inspiration,

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