Written by Banchi
Do you know what this is?
A rocking chair.
A rocking chair gives you something to do. But, you are not doing anything productive.
“You are wasting your time. You know that right?”
You continue worrying.
“You are not listening to me.”
You do not want to hear anymore. So, you walk away from the noise.
“You are a coward. You think walking away is the answer.”
You come back.
“You are still wasting your time.”
“How much time did you spend worrying?”
You close your eyes and try not to answer.
“How much time? Did you do anything else besides worrying?”
You are compelled to answer.
I did not do anything. I could not. I had too much on my mind.
“Too much worrying, you mean?”
“You see what worrying has accomplished? Nothing. Doing something would have made your life easier. Rather than simply worrying without doing anything – if you could do something productive that would have made you feel so much good.”
“But you refuse to listen to me. You don’t do anything. You just sit there and worry and worry more.”
You woke up from your internal ramblings.
You open your eyes.
You are sitting alone in your room.
The one who was talking to you in a menacing way was you. It was your inner critic who was advising you to let go your endless worries.
It was your inner voice who was condemning you for the useless and unproductive uses of worrying.
Just like sitting in a rocking chair, you think you are doing something when you keep on worrying –but you are not.
Look at yourself after few hours of sitting in the rocking chair.
Have you moved?
Have you moved in a forward direction just by a little bit?
You have not. The chair gives you something to do.
Worry is a thief that steals from you.
It stands for maximizing endless inactivity. Unless you cut out this emotion, it binds you into more and more of itself.
No person in this world is responsible for our worries. We are the reason for our worries. It is up to us to shift that emotion into a productive activity.
Worry should NOT be allowed to last long.
Worry should NOT make us relive the worst-case scenario over and over again.
Worry should NOT make us hurt all the time.
Worry should NOT make us imagine the recurring blows inherent in our overactive imagination.
Worry should NOT make us impose limits on ourselves.
Worry should NOT make us contributors who are against ourselves.
Worry should NOT make our lives burdened with suspicion.
Worry should NOT make us encumbered with deadly weight on our conscience.
Worry should NOT control us.
Worry should NOT make us unproductive.
Worry should NOT be allowed to unbalance our mental state.
Worry should NOT pollute our emotional state.
Worry should NOT reside blissfully in our minds as if it has found a permanent residence.
To Your Inspirations,

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