“A mind in peace is heaven; a mind in pieces is hell.” – K. Bhujang Shetty
Looking inside yourself is often as much an obligation to yourself more than anything else.
It comes with a strong sense of gut from within to keep looking. To find out who you are – when no one is looking.
I’ve left a job I did not felt like they appreciated me. I loved teaching at my old job but I was not paid what I deserved. Had I been expecting things to change. By staying there and wishing for my then boss to change his mind one day. I would never have gotten another opportunity. An opportunity that pays well.
School does not teach you what you are worth. You have got to find out for yourself how much you are worth. By looking inside.
They don’t tell you that you have to leave your job or anything for that matter if you are not valued. You have to do this – even if you like your job or like that person who does not respect you.
You get to decide.
Nobody else in the world has the key to your inside.
I had to leave a relationship that was not worthy of me. I had to choose for myself. You find through your experiences in life that you have to choose you, without any exception.
One thing that plants its feet and stands rooted is self-love.
And self-love comes from your inside.
You are the something that you hold dear. If you don’t value yourself, nobody else in the world can ever replace what you should have in the first place.
Look inside.
That is where all the love that you have. For your significant other, your friends, your family, and colleagues come from.
Exercise looking inside. When the whole world loses its mind, hold your ground. Be rooted. Let others wonder ‘how on earth you are so calm when everything is chaos.’
Love yourself. Fiercely. No person on this planet can love anybody or something else. Without first loving himself/herself.
Do not depend on external things. They are not reliable. Do not lust after something that you can never control.
You and your own mind is the only thing that you have full control of.
Focus on your inside. On you. Embrace the power of your own mindset. Do not kill yourself (the you that is inside) in an attempt to chase any external thing. – be it a person or any material possession or an intangible thing like power.
To your inspirations,

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