
You learn to never give up.
It’s not something that you’ve read from a book or it’s not because your friend has told you about it.
It has happened to you.
Oops. And now, you are angry and provoked. You want to teach this failure that has happened to you something.
You want to come out to the other side and show the world that you could do this.
“No! This is not the end!” You say to yourself.
There is a story of Thomas Edison:
While discussing inventions, Thomas Edison’s associate, Walter S. Mallory, once said to him: Isn’t it a shame that with the tremendous amount of work you have done you haven’t been able to get any results?
Edison responded, with a smile, “Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results! I know several thousand things that won’t work.”
You learn it isn’t the end of the road.
You thought you know everything there is to know about the road you are in. You thought you know the size, the color, the weight, the depth, and the surroundings of your road.
You thought: “This is it”. And you say: “I’ve reached the end of my road”.
But ———-
Failure is standing at the end of the road you know signaling you to a different road. A new road. A better road.
You learn to look at obstacles differently.
Oh, my friend: nothing teaches you more effectively than discomfort – not even your mentor who told you the methods of overcoming failure.
When a big, giant, unmovable thing is standing in your way prohibiting you from moving forward, you will not just stand there waiting to die.
You will not allow yourself to perish.
Forget about the books you’ve read. Forget about the classes you’ve taken on this matter. Forget about that motivational video you saw on YouTube.
There is real crisis standing in front of you.
You either stand up for yourself or you will die of hunger.
So, you sweat day and night to have the upper-hand on this challenge that you are facing. You will work hard to come out a winner on the other side. You will spend long night trying to come up with solutions.
You will persevere.
You will not stop until the obstacle has been obliterated.
What has this got to do with your perspective?
Everything my friend.
Once you fought with any kind of obstacle, you will not look at it the same way. Ever.
Ask yourself:
· Aren’t you more proud of yourself now?
·Are you not mentally stronger now?
·Have you not strengthened your emotions in the process?
·What about your confidence? Aren’t you more confident after the crisis has passed?
You learn to embrace change.
When you face some kind of failure in your life: you have only two options:
· Move forward
· Stay back and perish
You really don’t have any other option.
You either embrace the change, even if it is uncomfortable, even if your skin is itching, even if it is really hard or you refuse to accept the change and be a fool.
In “Who Moved My Cheese?” book by Dr. Spencer Johnson, there are characters in the form of little people who refuse to accept the fact that their cheese is gone.
Please read the book if you’ve not already read it and see how you cope with change.
I don’t want to be like those little people who are moaning senselessly for their lost cheese.
I don’t want to be a person who is in agony of a boyfriend who is no longer a boyfriend. I don’t want to be a person who is crying over a lost promotion. I don’t want to be a person who is agonizing over a lost time.
I won’t be.
What about you?
You learn that success isn’t “everything”.
I can hear you asking.
But ——–
It is not me who will tell us about your journey once you learn from failure.
When you see how the journey is unexpected and yet beautiful, you can’t help but wonder:
“Success isn’t everything!”
When you see how you are being shaped into this amazing, strong, and resilient person, you can’t help but wonder:
“Success isn’t everything!”
You learn to be emotionally and mentally strong
Who could remain the same when they are being knocked down from life’s brutal punch again and again?
You can stand up only if you stop crying.
You can get over yourself only if you manage to control your emotions.
You can’t continue complaining and be successful at the same time.
You can’t have a weak mentality and move forward with your head held high at the same time.
You have to say “goodbye” to the former in order to have the latter.
You learn to be more compassionate and more humble
Because you are no longer serving your ego.
“How on earth did I fail? It should not have happened to me!” That is your ego talking.
There is no learning where ego is concerned.
Grit cannot exist when ego is being fed on a daily basis.
There is no forward movement when ego is standing in your own way.
You can only move forward when you turn your back on this inside enemy called ego.
In that path, there is only humbleness and compassion – not pride.
To your inspirations,

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