A good life is living in the present moment.

“Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.” — Deepak Chopra
What would you do if someone you know or a family member heard life-ending news from their doctor? How would you feel if you know you are going to lose them — in a few months time?
We are all going to die. We don’t know when we are going to die — and yet we live our lives as if we live forever.
A good life is being grateful for what you have. It looks like my friend’s happiness who had a baby. Through difficult and life-threatening surgery. It is her gratefulness for her and her child’s life. In spite of the pain, she is in.
A good life is leaving your work and blogging to be with the one you love. And you choose to do that because your fiancée has a brain tumor. And the doctor tells you heart-breaking news that you wish you have never heard. She has got only three months to live. Good life is allowing yourself to feel the pain for your loved one. For yourself. But also, leaving everything and being there for her. For her and for you.
A good life is suspending your work when your husband calls you and you hear something in his voice. You stop what you were doing and give your attention to the voice at the other end of the line. It is prioritizing. It is knowing what is more important. It is valuing this precious moment.
A good life is choosing. To be the first one to say ‘I’m sorry.’ And not holding grudges, resentments, hatred, and ill-thoughts until doomsday comes. It is forgiving and carrying a lightweight. It is knowing that if this person whom you are angry dies tomorrow, you will carry a shame for a long time. And that you will regret it for the rest of your life. For the horrible things, you thought. For holding toxic thoughts you wish you hadn’t.
A good life is showing your love to the people that you love today. Not wishing it in your head or thinking that you will love them “someday.” It is getting up early and preparing a breakfast your spouse likes. It is willing to listen to her. It is stopping your arguments and listening to her side. It is leaving your phone at home and taking a walk. Just the two of you.
A good life is choosing love, instead of being right.
A good life is doing the best that you can with the tools you have at the present moment.
A good life is forgiving. It is letting go of the baggage you carry. It is choosing to move lightly and moving forward. And knowing that this is good, mostly for you.
A good life is focusing on what is important. It is not neglecting, ignoring, or dismissing the people who mean the most to you. It is remembering that life is short and that they won’t always be there.
“If you were conscious, that is to say, totally present in the Now, all negativity would dissolve almost instantly. It could not survive in your presence.” — Eckhart Tolle
To your inspirations,

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