Written by Banchi
“It is good health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” Mahatma Gandhi
If you have all the material possessions in the world, what will that do to you if you have no health?
Health is the most Priceless possession in the world.It is terribly important.
Just like the laughter of children and the memories of your loved ones are completely precious, price cannot be put on certain things.
These priceless things are the reasons that make life worth living.
Beauty is Priceless. Not the external beauty. That fades due to many factors.
An internal beauty that NEVER FADES has no price in this world.
A world without beauty would be ugly and trashy.
No more blue sky? No more fresh peaches? No more inner glow from a person? No more diamonds sparkling on the sea?
Similarly, HEALTH has no price tag that can describe its value to each and every one of us.
Think about how amazing our bodies are. They do remarkable job every day of the week. All the time. Every Hour. Every Minute. Every Second. Every Micro Second —.
There is no price in this world that can be ENOUGH for the value that our body gives every moment of our life.
A Famous Fashion Blogger Kyrzayda Rodriguez who died on September 9, 2018 after battling with stomach cancer said this inspirational advice on her last post.
“I have a brand new car parked outside that can’t do anything for me, I have all kinds of designer clothes, shoes and bags that can’t do anything for me, I have money in my account that can’t do anything for me, I have a big well-furnished house that can’t do anything for me.
Look I’m lying here in a twin size hospital bed; I can take a plane any day of the week if I like but that can’t do anything for me… So do not let anyone make u feel bad for the things you don’t have- but the things u have, be happy with those; if you have a roof over your head who cares what kind of furniture is in it… the most important thing in life is LOVE.” Kyrzayda Rodriguez
So take heart. BE GRATEFUL.
Share this incredible woman’s story with others who has remained STRONG & POSITIVE till the end.
To Your Inspiration,

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