Tag: Mindfulness


For Anyone Who Feels Like Your Mind Won’t Ever Switch Off (Lesson on Mindfulness)

Let yourself take a minute to be mindful. our mind betrays you sometimes. Not just sometimes but most of the time. Why? Because it is thinking of a million things at the same time. It is organizing a million things at the same time. My to-do list for today. Emails to check. Calls to answer. …


Just Breathe

“Healing is every breath.” — Thich Nhat Hanh Someone says something awful to you and you just stand there, powerless and hurt. Your body is trembling. You are thinking of the just-right poison cocktail of words you are dying to deliver. The perfect knock-out verbal punch. In the meantime, your breathing has become shallow. Your …


This Is Why You Need To Forgive Those Who Hurt You

Anything you gain by refusing to forgive is certainly far less desirable. I met someone who betrayed me in a crowded restaurant a few weeks ago. He had been my mentor many years ago. When he asked me to loan him money for his training center, I did not hesitate. I loaned him lots of …

Emotional Intelligence

How To Practice ‘Mindfulness’ Without Prior Experience!

Inspirational Mindfulness

Do you believe that you can be good at mindfulness? I do. This ability to be aware of our surroundings, our thoughts, our feelings, and our emotions reside in all of us. I hear it often: “I want to be aware of my anger, so that I can catch it”, “I want to be aware …

Emotional Intelligence

Inspirational Key Benefits of Mindfulness!

Inspirational Mindfulness

Let me ask you a question: Would you like to show more compassion to others? Would you like to enhance your listening skills? Would you like to improve your decision-making abilities? Would you like to sharpen your focus and concentration? Would you like to improve your memory? Would you like to decrease the negative effects …