Tag: Inspirational Answer


Meet Mr. Sophistication: Your Body

4265 - Meet Mr. Sophistication: Your Body

I have found the book “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey a most life changing book. What do you think is the most significant discovery of this modern age? The finding of dinosaur eggs on the plains of Mongolia, laid—so scientists assert—some 10,000,000 years ago? The Internet? Wireless? The Airplane? …


Who on earth would think ‘story telling’ and ‘training’ are mind blowing at a work place?

111 - Who on earth would think ‘story telling’ and ‘training’ are mind blowing at a work place?

Banchiwosen Woldeyesus, Trainer Answered Thu Is there any law that says we can’t make our work life exciting? I am going to tell you a story. At my work place, I bribe the people I work with two things, story telling and training. There is always training that is related to the task at hand …


What’s the best way to increase productivity?

12 - What's the best way to increase productivity?

Here is an article that I have answered on Quora. Banchiwosen Woldeyesus, Trainer Answered 21h ago Great Perks For Increasing Productivity I say, as long as we ignore the man behind the work we will never have the productivity that we crave for. For most of us the way we act towards each other is …