Tag: DAily Habits


How I Develop Daily Habits (A Guideline To Developing Daily Habits)

“I’m on a diet,” my friend said to me over lunch the other day. She is going to consciously choose what she is going to put inside her body from now on and she is going to make that her daily habit. And I thought of our habits, our daily habits per se. You know, …


What You Practice, You Get Good At

Inspirational Consistency

Behind your strong why, you will find the “how”. You will push yourself to be better every day if you have a strong desire pushing you from the inside. The failures you endured are road maps to the improvement of your skills. Your path seems long, so far. But you know that you cannot be …


Inspirational Way of Pushing Yourself To Take Actions

Inspirational Way of Taking Action

Hi there, I thought I would send you my latest article. Developing the habit of taking daily action is a hard thing to do. Just like any habit, it must be practiced again and again. Yesterday I published this piece on my other social platform. Finding the balance between thinking and doing ———– I am …


If You Don’t Improve On A Daily Basis, You Will Not Achieve Your Full Potential

Inspirational daily learning

“The minute you accept your current standards is the moment you’re on the path to irrelevance. Heroes are masters of “satisfied discontent” Robin Sharma I have a friend who always improves himself by taking short courses throughout the year. He has a great job. He is brilliant and seems to know all of the answers. …


20 Inspirational Life HABITS!

Inspirational Habit

1. Never stop learning. Do not be like all those foolish men and women out there who think and believe that they know everything and so they have closed their mind off. Do not miss out on becoming your better self just because you refuse to learn from your friend, your boss, your family, your …