Written by Banchi Hello There, Here is HOW You can BECOME an Inspirational Leader! To Your Inspiration, Banchi
How to Stay POSITIVE during tough times?
Written by Banchi, Hope you are Superb. Put a Smile on by Cress Rosario They can mock you They can hurt you Life will never be easy People can be scary But they cannot break you Nor can torn you In everything you’ve been through There’s one thing you can do Problems will leave People …
Keep Your Dreams (Inspirational Story)
Written by Banchi As soon as I saw my boss walk into the room, I went to him and told him of my new ideas. Totally without listening and unconcerned with my new ideas, the boss looked at me with a cynical smile and said, “Oh no! This is a big project and we are …
Inspirational Discipline
Written By Banchi Have you ever been in this situation? You are on your way to go a long way to a particular destination. You have arranged a transportation to take you there. You arrive on time on the day of your journey. On your way to the public bus, you are welcomed by a …
Written by Banchi A lion lives in his natural habitat. He lives gracefully with gusto and incredible pride. He knows how to hunt with a well-thought strategy. NO ONE can stop him from what he desires. NO ONE. Now, imagine a different lion but caged in a zoo. Human beings have controlled this lion. This …
Inspirational LIFE lessons
Written by Banchi I hope you are living a full life. I hope that you are always learning. I hope that you learn to become a better person every day. I hope that you give your full and undivided attention to your friends. I hope that you sacrifice time with friends to make space for …
Inspirational Stories about Great Leadership
Written by Banchi 1 – Leaders set the direction Once upon a time, a group of soldiers became lost in the Alps. They were hungry and disoriented. They argued about which way to go, but in the fading light every peak looked the same. The soldiers had no chance of surviving the night in the …
Inspirational Integrity
“It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.” Eleanor Roosevelt Have you ever had a leader who said they would do one thing, but did another? How did you feel about that leader? Did he lose some credibility and trust in your eyes? To do what …
Leadership by EXAMPLE
Written by Banchi One of the BEST leadership by example stories is that of Mahatma Gandhi. How closely does what you say align with what you do? In the 1930’s there was a young boy who had become addicted to and obsessed with eating sugar. His mother decided to get help and took the long and hot journey with her …
Inspirational Qualities of a LEADER
“The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” Jim Rohn Know this person? He sticks to his values and core beliefs …