No one else is responsible for our thoughts, feelings, and actions
Too often, we lie to ourselves and others – about the reason that is making us mad or out of control. We blame others when we are the only ones responsible for the way we are feeling.
If we don’t look in the mirror, we will never run out of blame. We will continue by blaming others and never find a solution. Because intrinsic rather than extrinsic is where the solution lies.
Let us not be the person who Lou Holtz was talking about when he said:
“The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it.”
Blame only keeps us stuck
Let us be honest. Let us stop wasting our precious time blaming any external thing. If you want to be free, take responsibility for yourself. Own your mistakes.
You can only move forward if you are not stuck in the past. Blaming effectively makes you stuck wherever you are. If you want to change, say ‘goodbye’ to blame. It does not belong in your change for the better.
“Forget about the concept of blame. The more you cast it, the less power you have.”
No one else can make us happy
I’ve found that happiness comes from the inside. Looking for it from the outside world is like looking for a river in the desert. It is not there.
Look at your inside. That is where your happiness resides.
Ferociously go after it. It’s not something you are – it’s something you strive for.
Think twice before looking for happiness outside of you.
Related Links: You are the Engine of Your Own Happiness and Stop Expecting Happiness from an External source
To your inspirations,

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