You should stop trying to seal your heart.
Remaining in emotional solitary confinement costs us.
There is a cost to making your heart neatly sealed, safe from the joys and sorrows of life.
I never heard my dad talk about his feelings. He never told me he loved me in words. He sucked it all in, where it bubbled like trapped, molten lava. How can I love him when he has never allowed himself to be open? To be vulnerable? To see behind what lies behind his beating heart?
How can we love someone when we don’t see that person without a shield?
Your heart follows you wherever you are.
A dear friend of mine packed her bags and moved to the other side of the world. A boyfriend had hurt her. He had stormed on her heart crushing it into pieces.
She was too afraid to pick up the pieces.
She decided to seal her heart — from any future hurts. She could not bear to live in the same city as the one who had cheated on her. Leaving her family by crossing the Atlantic Ocean seemed like a good idea to her at the time.
Your heart follows you wherever you are.
When I talked to her after 3 months of leaving Ethiopia, her voice was still broken. Like a wounded animal cowering at the farthest end of the wall, talking to her was heart-wrenching.
She has created barriers and defense strategies for herself to survive. But she is still in pain. She is still carrying the residue of her hurt around with her affecting the way she lives.
There is nowhere to run.
To your inspirations,

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