Let us consider this circumstance as an example.
Imagine, someone insulted you right in your face.
And you are thinking of coming with more insulting words than you received.
Ask yourself this: “Would I insult this person back if I know for a fact that the insult has nothing to do with me?”
Circumstances make the man – not the other way around.
Blaming a situation is a roadblock to any kind of development
In the words of Marcus Aurelius,
“If it’s in your control, why do you do it? If it’s in someone’s control, then who are you blaming? Atoms? The gods? Stupid either way. Blame no one.”
The Roman emperor was telling us to NOT let external events have control over us.
Use what you’ve got
There is nothing you can do about what others think, feel, and do. There is also nothing that you can do about what tomorrow will bring in your life.
Those things are outside of your control.
What you do have control over is the present moment. What you can do is use what you’ve got in the present moment.
The only meaning of life is to live it – right this minute. And you can do that not by thinking of doing “this thing” or “that thing” on “someday” – but by actually doing “the thing” now.
Zig Ziglar said,
“It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you use that makes a difference.”
We cannot blame circumstances or external things for internal fractures
The seed of everything that you can be is found inside you –not outside.
You can get the best advice. You can read a book on self-improvement. You can watch the best motivational video on YouTube. You can read this post till the end.
But ——
At the end of the day, you’ve got to decide to take actions. And then do “your thing” relentlessly. Only you can do that.
“If you keep on wishing some magical circumstances will appear on your door and you will suddenly develop the guts to be and do your best, which I’m sorry to say is nothing but a beautiful lie.”
You will never learn to swim unless you dive in the water.
“Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing him or herself.” – Leo Tolstoy
Change your perception
Every time you are affected by an external event, you have options right in front of you.
You can let the situation/the person/the problem/the circumstances/the external factor dictate you.
Or you can choose to change how you see those things. See “the thing that is affecting you” with a different view.
In the words of Ben A. Wise,
“There is no bias exam that tells you what your demons are and then issues corrective lenses just for you.”
The only way you can have an upper-hand on external events is to change how you see them.
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” – Oscar Wilde
To your inspirations,

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