Written by Banchi
Good people are nice but nice people aren’t always good. Some people are nice simply because they fear what others think of them if they’re not.
When they lose that fear, the MASK COMES OFF and they can actually be very bad people.
Let us take stock of who we are. We think about our daily lives. We wonder if we are good enough for the job that we do. We ask ourselves all the time if we are ambitious enough. We question if we’re in the right job or the right relationship.
We imagine all the time HOW WE CAN BETTER ENJOY OUR LIVES.
Being a good person is much important than being good at whatever you do.
- Before you started your job, you were a person first.
- YOU are a positive person first and your specialty (your area of expertise) second.
Be a good person FIRST and the second always flows – as it has no choice. The opposite way does not work.
If you think that you can be good at any area of your work and forget about your personality. You will fail.
Because, you cannot do your work WITHOUT YOU. And the YOU is the personality you take everywhere.
If you always remember which comes FIRST, you will create an effective road map for your happiness.
Being good means that while you can be passionate, you can choose what you are passionate about; it means that you don’t let your emotions, desires, wants and needs “get the better of you” and “make” you do things that you later regret. It gives you true grit.
Because being good means that we are lovers of the good and if we are lucky, it means that we will be loved by those who are themselves good.
Being lovers of the good means that we become good at loving what is good, to the BEST OF OUR ABILITY.
If you want the deck to be stacked in your favor: You shouldn’t have had any expectations of reward. Being a good person is your reward for being a good person.
The difference between doing good things and BEING GOOD affects how we act and lead.
Our intentions and motives matter. Being good is about feeling we are good. Our intentions and motives affect this.
Doing good is about the act. IT IS NOT ABOUT US.
Doing good can help us feel good. This is only true if we feel the act was of our own making. There are many times when this does not happen.
Here are few examples in which doing good is unlikely to help us feel we are being good.
- We do it out of guilt or obligation.
- It is the rule or expectation.
- We are told or forced to do it.
- It is a habit taken for granted.
So, I ask again: Which is BETTER? Which comes FIRST? Being a GOOD person or Being GOOD at what you do?
To Your Inspiration,

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