Pulled from the ocean of the internet.
I was deeply sorry I opened my Gmail inbox.
Sorry I’ve subscribed to nonsense where they send me useless content, whenever they want. Sorry I wasted my energy and time on opening and reading my email.
Has that happened to you? You sign in to your Gmail account and an email sits in your inbox. You open it and you find nothing useful you can use.
You yell.
Why the hell are you sending me advertisements and telling me about your products? I don’t care about your products and services! I care about how your content helps me.
I want to get something for me!
If you want in your inbox useful content that does not force you into yelling at an inanimate object, here’re 9 of the very best free online resources to add to your inbox:
#1 Daily Stoic blog
The ancient Stoics, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca live in Ryan Holiday’s blog. The stoics talk to you as they show you how to live in the 21st century.
You get insightful lessons on how to live the stoic way in the words of Holiday.
Whether you’re struggling on how to deal with anger, or how to survive in a crisis, the ancient Stoics have useful, endless lessons for us.
I promise you, my friends, you won’t be sorry for giving your email to Ryan’s blog.
#2. James Clear – Atomic Habits blog
No one explains habits like James Clear. The New York Times bestseller of the book, Atomic Habits, sends his blog readers habit formation articles.
Join a community of 650,000 readers from all over the world. These readers include men, women, athletes, artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, teachers, students, leaders, and teammates.
Whether you’re struggling to stick to a habit or form a new one, James has insightful ideas on his free email newsletters.
#3. Zen Habits blog
Leo Babauta, the creator of Zen Habits, is my favorite blogger. His posts are so easy to apply and see an immediate benefit.
If you subscribe to Zen habits and join over 2,000,000 readers, you’ll get lessons on how to implement Zen habits in your daily life. The author, Leo Babauta, writes most of his articles from personal experience.
Content on mindfulness is not the only thing that sits in your inbox. You can also participate in online training and meditations, which I am happy to tell feeds your mind like no other.
#4. The blog of Tiny Buddha
Dearest readers, nothing connects us to another human being like stories. Humans are hardwired to care about stories. We’ve been sitting around the fire for millennia telling stories, on the edge of our (stone?) seats, our hearts beating in anticipation.
Tiny Buddha blog has thousands of stories.
Authors from different parts of the world share their personal stories. Almost all blog posts you get in your inbox, if you subscribe, have a personal story.
This blog has an astounding 5 million readers all over the world. Whether you’re looking for a quote, tips, or simple wisdom for complex lives, use their free online resources.
From love and relationships, from mindfulness and peace to life and life lessons, Tiny Buddha is a gem on the ocean of the internet.
#5. Isolation Journals blog
How do you feel when a dear friend writes you a letter?
I can’t wait to open it. I feel like a kid with candy every morning when my inbox shows me Suleika has sent me the day’s blog post.
Suleika Jaouad, the creator of the Isolation journals blog, writes like she is your best friend.
Her inbox is the first email I read every day.
She is an Emmy Award-winning writer, speaker, and cancer survivor who started her blog on April 1st, 2020. To help make sense of challenging times, her site delivers beautiful posts early each morning to your inbox.
#6. TUT.com
For every minute we spend scrolling our Facebook feeds mindlessly, we can use it to receive hope, inspiration, and encouragement from Mike Dooley, creator of TUT.com.
You spend less than a minute reading his daily notes. But what a useful way to spend.
His short and beautiful paragraphs remind us of life’s fundamental truths.
#7. Mark and Angel’s blog
I’ve read how a woman survived cancer treatments from this blog. I’ve read how children suffer for years when their parents’ divorce. I’ve read how a single mother raised a child when her husband died in a horrible car accident.
I’ve read thousands of personal stories from this site alone in my inbox.
Since 2006, the husband and wife, Mark and Angel, have been sending their readers’ personal stories in their inboxes.
Is there any topic the couple do not talk about in their blog? I doubt that. Love, relationships, surviving trauma and illness, how to cope in difficult times and much more will be sent to your inbox if you subscribe to their free resources.
#8. Seth Godin’s blog
Don’t you crave short articles sometimes? To read something valuable in less than a minute and get something valuable in return.
Seth Godin is a master of delivering clear and concise messages in short posts.
More than a million readers receive a simple and short article in their inbox from one of the most popular blogs in the world every day. I am one of those readers.
The purpose of almost all his articles is to make our work matter. His blog gives online seminars and workshops as well.
#9. Insight of the Day blog
If you’re one of those people who wants to receive quotes right in your inbox daily, subscribe to this blog.
They send you inspiring, motivating, and insightful quotes – chosen thoughtfully with you and your dreams in your mind.
Whether you spend 10 minutes or 1 hour checking your email inbox every day, these free online resources feed your mind. They add something to your life. You don’t just read their contents. You learn something. You share and forward your emails to a friend or coworkers.
At the very least, you’ll not be sorry you’ve opened your own email.

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